Sunday, March 4, 2007

Wilds of March

Thank goodness spring is nearly here. Although, snow is falling outside my window. I love the snow but I'm so ready for spring. Spring is a time of new beginings. I bought a few packs of flower seed for planting. I planted some daffadils near my front steps. And, yes I submitted my newest picture book to five agents and one to the Highlights for children mystery contest. I have already received two rejections from agents. So now, I'm chewing my fingernails, waiting for the other three rejections to appear. In the meantime I have another story forming in my head that I need to get out and on paper. Plus, I need to go ahead and sub a few more of my finished stories to different agents or publishers. There must be a better way of organizing stories, subs, rejections and agent/publisher addresses! But, I haven't found it yet. Which reminds me, I should rewrite my recently critiqued chapter book and get it into circulation. I hope I spelled cirulation, right. Me and my husband, George didn't get home from (Pickin-N-the Park) 'til midnight, so I slept in late again. The Stable was full last night. The crowd keeps getting larger and larger. We had four groups of Bluegrass bands show up and play. My daughter, Priscilla song as well. Everyone loves to hear her sang. One of the bands want to get her in a recording studio. They said it only takes one hit song, and she would be set for life. I just glad that she got over her shyness. She got into the mic good last night and everyone loved it. I'll be busy the rest of this week. We have practice nearly every day. But, I intend to work some more on this site and get a few blurbs of my work up, and add a story or some poems to read for free.

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