Friday, February 23, 2007

Ten Foot Pole

I think that the snows are over. Whew! If it were not for being bogged down with work, I would certainly have a bad case of Cabin Fever. LOL. That's the name of one of my poems. It took a second place award in a contest. Does that necessarily make me an award winner poet? I don't know but awarding winning, has a wonderful ring to it! Anyway, getting back to reality, I've worked my buns off this past week on a couple of stories that I want to sub to, Highlights. My problem is, I never seem to get anything finished. I write and rewrite. Tighten, cut and de-word (I think I might have just made up a new word here). The problem is every time I read my work, I find more to change! Errgh!
I think that most writers have this problem. We create our lovely little child or story, and want it to be the very best. So, I guess all the anxiety that goes with being a perfectionist, is what it really takes to be a professional author. You can't just write something down and throw it out there to be torn apart by strangers. After all, it is your baby. It's the fruit of your loins. So make good and sure your story is ready to take it's rightful place on a book shelf before letting a stranger uncover its perfectly delightful pages. Check to make sure it's well behaved, polite, clean and interesting. And remember, everyone loves a cute, giggling baby, but if it needs to be changed . . .no one will want to touch it with a ten foot pole!

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