Friday, September 14, 2007

Gazing Into Space With A Silly Grin On My Face

Woot!!! I had nearly given up on hearing from my publisher concerning the illustrationing of my upcoming PB, when the phone rang! It was her! My fabtabulous publisher, Dindy. She said she had an illustrator interested in my book and that he was ANXIOUS to start! The only thing holding up the process now is the time thing. They have to find the right time to get all their working ideas on paper for my PB. I'm sure that the illustrator has done several mock-ups by now. That's what I do when I'm planning something. I make a rough draft of it in my mind, then on paper, then rework it all into some sort of orderlly fashion that can be improved upon, little by little, over time.
(Gazing into space with a silly grin on my face) I wonder what the cover will look like? And the other illustrations? And the book? I know that I will love it no matter what. I just hope, hope, hope everyone else will too. I've been gathering information for months concerning the advertisement and promotion of books. I've been working on a media kit, press releases, and yes, my own web site; which has been really hard for me because I'm not WEB SAVVY. This week I will make personal contact with all my local bookstores and libraries. I have already developed a working relationship with a radio station and my local newspapers via the traditional grassroots music that I help host and PR for every weekend at the Stables in our local state park. What else? What else? I have a wordzillion other projects to complete before next month. I hope I don't forget to do something really important like, finish editing my novel!